GIF animations generator


Saturday, June 02, 2007


Whilst Anna is still in the land of nod, I've been wummaging around the garden since 5am. The farmers market on our road opens soon, and I want to build up an appetite for the ROOK I'm about to buy there, braise and eat. Yes. ROOK! Great!
Found this little bugger fluttering around our compost heap. Unfortunately it settled on the underside of an Ivy leaf, so as you can see, I had to twist the leaf over
and hold it like that, whilst I took its mugshot. Luckily, it didn't seem to mind much.

This is a SMALL Magpie Moth. It can be distinguished from the (larger)
Magpie Moth as it lacks a wavy yellow line running through its forewings, and the Magpie moths have a much yellower (with black spots) body, with black (not yellow) legs.Small Magpie Moths like this one like nettles and mint. (And Ivy on compost heaps, obviously)!
Magpie Moths are what I'd describe as "fluttery" - a bit pathetic really. Unlike a "Heart and Dart" moth for example (which I'm sure I'll find again soon enough), which is more of a solid "fighter plane" of a moth, and would maybe leave a bruise, should it smack you in the mush!
Nice to see though.

Below is a photo (not mine) of a Magpie Moth (not a Small Magpie Moth) so you can see the difference.
I'll change this photo for one of my own, when I find one to take a photo of...

NB. Note to self, a few more moths on "Blue-Grey" and I'll give them a label of their own.
They deserve it!

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