The first shot below was taken on the camera's own "macro-mode" (no snap on lens), from about 4cm away from the bottle top. This macro mode on its own is better thanmost cameras, compact or SLR.
The second was taken after I'd snapped on my new lens, from exactly 8 inches away from the beer bottle top. This macro lens pretty well beats ALL SLR lenses in terms of strength. I'll need a bit of time with it, I'm sure, to get everything right, but for the first attempts - I'm quite pleased.
I think its fair to say that this lens (shipped over from the USA) is something else.
Now I can take VERY close up photographs of wee beasties and the like (MUCH closer and sharper than my old phone, and that was not bad), AND the long distance stuff wth the 12X zoom lens and a little cropping. The set up is perfect for me!
Watch this space for close-ups of spiders eyes etc...!(Back to bed now though for me, with a mug of lemsip).

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