Thought I'd take my new toy out for a test drive today.
The entire population of feral Egyptian Geese in the UK stands at about 900, and over 90% of these are situated in Norfolk. (WWT data, september 2007).
Well... as described on "Blue-Grey" first, HERE, there are often a few feral Egyptian Geese on the Thames around Caversham - I think I counted up to 20 once on the way back from the barbers (thats ME, not the geese), and I regularly see them flying over the Thames from the office.
I could have taken a picture or two of some Grey Geese, or Canada Geese, or even that Barnacle Goose that seems pretty content with different species of Geese by Caversham Bridge, Reading (and I know that goose can fly also).
But I thought I'd walk up river a few hundred yards though, to see if any of the Egyptians were around...
I only saw two. (Sometimes there are none).
So I took some photographs, using the full zoom (as the pair were a bit skittish this morning), and manual focus - as I'd rather trust my eyes than an auto-focus device.
The result can be seen above. Click to enlarge (and note the feather detail on the body of the bird, that this camera picks up, even at long range...you can even pick out five water droplets on its breast/neck!)
I am MORE than happy with this camera!
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