GIF animations generator


Sunday, March 23, 2008


THE "LENTEN MOON", originally uploaded by THE BLACK RABBIT.

'Twas a full moon on the 21st. The "Lenten moon", (named after "Lent" - the period of fasting before Easter.
Talking of Easter - Easter sunday (today) is the earliest Easter has fallen for 95 years!
Ever wondered about Easter and why the DATE changes?
Blame the Catholics (as per usual).
Easter Sunday HAS to be celebrated on the FIRST sunday after the FIRST full moon AFTER the Vernal Equinox.
The Equinox (21st) and the full moon (21st) fell on the same date this year, and the first sunday (23rd - today) was only 2 days later - THAT'S why Easter feels so early this year.
It is. (It can hardly BE any earlier)!

That doesn't explain the bitter conditions though! Or the snow in the east of the country!


Jane Adams said...

I was only having this discussion with my mum yesterday. How do they decide when Easter is???? I should have known that you would come up with the answer. Thanks!

I agree though, the moon isn't so dramatic "full" - still a lovely shot though. Especially all those converging lines at the bottom right. Looks like roads going to a roundabout... now there's a thought!


The Black Rabbit said...

I only found out about Easter thanks to John Craven on Countryfile the other day Jane, who was at Whitby Abbey - where the "Easter Summit" was held and the decision to adhere to the Catholic timing of Easter was made, all those years ago...

Jane Adams said...

I missed Countryfile this week... all messed up with my days. I thought it was Sunday today... went downstairs to turn Countryfile on and all I got was another blimin house programme! Jane

The Black Rabbit said...

Location Location Location Location, Witness Relocation, under the hammer, I THINK you mean...
Ain't the licence fee grrreat?!