My favourie bird of all is back with us, in British skies! (I've posted in yellow, to celebrate the beginning of summer therefore)!
The Common Swift, (Apus apus - literally meaning "no foot, no foot") has arrived.
Normally I can expect to see the Swifts from the last day of April onwards, so I was a little surprised to see them today.
I was having a coffee outside, looking north, and spotted a bird way in the distance, flying like a Martin, Swallow or Swift. It flew towards me, and was joined by 2 others, and my heart leaped, when I realised they WERE Swifts!

The Common Swift is generally our last Summer visitor to arrive, and the first to leave.
The UK population has crashed to about 30% of what it was 20 years ago, thanks to new building practices, and the shoreing up and fixing of old nest sites in old roofs. Its fair to say that Swifts only tend to nest in buildings over 40 years old, unless (like in Holland, where its LAW), new buildings have built-in 'Swift Bricks', ie hollowed out bricks near the top of walls for the Swift to nest.
Its getting well known now, (no-one used to believe me) that Swifts spend almost their ENTIRE life on the wing - feeding, mating and sleeping.
Once a Swift fledges, its feet will not touch the ground again for at least a year, possibly a lot more!
The Swifts' feet are unusual in that all 4 of its toes face forwards.
Because I love Swifts so much, I have made efforts to become a "Swift Champion" for the National Swift Conservation movement. Well, the geezer in charge around this neck of the woods is called Matt Dodds, so how could I resist!
Matt Dodds meet Doug MACK Dodds, Swift freak!
I'm sure I'll post again on Swifts, as these three were silent - I want to hear them give their wonderful screaming call, so reminiscent of my summers past...!
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