What I did see though was the BIG STONKING Tom Cat of Great Knollys Street, "Knolly", (who is a right tart, and very very smoolly) in our garden before 6am.
Knolly used to break into our house down the road, which was very welcome, until one evening when I was at work, he dug his HUGE claws into Anna and hissed at her. Knolly made his own rules you see - if he didn't want to go, he didn't go!
We used to be sitting watching tv in the sitting room, and we'd hear an ALMIGHTY crash from the kitchen. Knolly had snuck in through the open window and had simply jumped down onto the floor. This cat weighs a stone or more easily!
Anyway, we hadn't seen him since moving - but that's all changed.
Knolly was covered in rain drops from the overnight drizzle, and smooled me. He found the cat flap in the kitchen door. Luckily, Anna had covered the inside of it up, so he didn't even attempt to get in.
I took some photos of him in the half light, and he became all sulky, realising that he wasn't going to get all warm inside. He soon slunk off...
I don't think he'll worry the Tits. Their Nest Box is quite 'Cat-Proof' (see photo).
Also note in the photo how close it is to our windows. My makeshift 'hide' (leaning against the rear wall of the house, when in action is placed where the watering can is in the photo - 8' away from the Box!
Later on in the morning, it was clear to see that the female is again spending a lot of time in the box, incubating. The male has been bringing her plenty of scran - mainly small, juicy brown caterpillars. He'll fly to the tree next door, and call her. She'll hear him, and sort of make a 'high-pitched football rattle' call back. Then he flies in, perches on the chopstick, nips in and delivers his present.
It's at this point of the breeding season that the male suffers the most. Feeding himself and the female takes its toll, as does the constant struggle through the nest box opening - I'm expecting him to lose quite a few feathers from he top of his head over the next fortnight. He's going to be a right baldy slapheeed....
1 comment:
see smells of de outside, cos see is from de outside
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