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Saturday, March 03, 2007


Last night (as in the changed date and time of this post) we saw a (well predicted) spectacular lunar eclipse over Britain.
We were all very fortunate that the viewing conditions were perfect - not a cloud in the sky (unlike the last one in the UK, 3 years ago, which was obscured by cloud).
The Earth's shadow began visibly moving over The Moon at around 21:30 and "Totality" occurred between 22:45 and 11:58 approximately.
The Moon turned a wonderful coppery colour.
People often expect a "blood-red" moon during lunar eclipses, probably down to the media hyping it up. The colour of the eclipsed moon is produced by refracted light from The Earth's atmosphere hitting the moon. If The Earth has, for example, had a recent period of heavy volcanic activity, the lunar eclipse will appear blood-red due to all the dust in the Earth's atmosphere.
We haven't had a recent period of volcanic activity, so the moon turned orange or copper coloured. But what an absolutely fantastic sight and so lucky with the clear night sky! The next lunar eclipse in Britain is not due for almost a year - February 21st 2008, and I dare say we probably won't be so lucky with the weather in February next year!
The photo above is of course a photo of the actual lunar eclipse, last night.

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