Blimey does it feel like its been a long, long time since its been anything like this warm.
It gives me a very good feeling to see that the large Lime tree at the end of the garden is tentatively producing its first, small, green leaves - in a month or so, we won't be able to see if there's one of the Woodpeckers on its branches - so dense will be that tree's foliage - and personally speaking - I can't wait.
Yesterday, even though the Met Office got the forecast spectacularly wrong, was warm - and the insects and arachnids responded as though all of them had had a simultaneous "button push".
Anna and I were outside after I returned from work at half past ten, trying to take a photo of a VERY large House Spider on the fence (it wouldn't sit still, so no worries for you arachnaphobes out there), when I spotted a beautiful Brimstone Moth had fluttered into the kitchen.
Click on the photo above to enlarge it or click HERE to take a flying trip to the "New Warren" (my online photo album), where I've uploaded quite a few pics recently - all in their large size and with explanatory text...
I hear the weather really IS going to be very summery tomorrow (friday).
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