I first wrote about this species*** of "Blowfly" on September 18th 2007, so once again, no real need to go into this fly's biology.
It might be wise to point out though, straight away, that "Blow flies" are not so-called because they blow these bubbles (as in the photo above - click to enlarge as normal), but because "blown meat" was an older English term meaning meat that had been spoiled by having fly eggs laid in it.
The bubble the Bluebottle*** is blowing above is a regurgitation of its stomach contents.
The fly will sit somewhere quiet (usually!), blow these "stomach content bubbles" and suck them back in, a process which aids digestion allegedly.
This one was bubble-blowing on the back garden fence this morning.
I've uploaded this photo (which although is a bit full on, I like it a lot) to the New Warren, in a large size - that can be viewed by clicking HERE.
Some people have remarked that they think my "macro photography" is gorgeous (a lovely compliment, I'm sure you agree).
I wonder if they still have that opinion after this photograph?
Aw well...
Anybody slightly nauseated by the photo above might want to pretend the Bluebottle*** above, is simply blowing a "Bubble gum bubble".
(A little digital manipulation of my original image... and hey presto)!.jpg)
NB. 7/3/08 After a little more research on this fly, I've now positively identified it as NOT Calliphora vomitoria (the "Common Bluebottle") but the almost identical C.vicina.
How did I come to that conclusion? Because its "cheeks" (the spots on the face under the eyes) are RED(ish) in colour - in C.vomitoria the cheeks would be BLACK.Just as well I got the head in focus. Only C.vomitoria is strictly speaking the "Common Bluebottle". Calliphora vicina is very closely related, but not as blue as the Bluebottle.
There you go - I'm learning something every day...
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