Just after I wrote the post below, I thought I'd sit and watch the garden from the spare bedroom, to see if any Blue Tit did visit the box.
We've just had a flurry of activity in the garden, with a pair of Great Tits, Dunnocks, House Sparrows, Greenfinches, a hen Blackbird, a pair of Woodpigeons, about 15 Goldfinches in the bare Lime tree, and a first for the garden - a pair of Long-Tailed Tits. Excuse the photo again please - taken from inside, in a hurry, with the wrong lens.
It often seems to be that way in this garden - as soon a two birds appear, (often the ever noisy Goldfinches), every bird appears.
The GOOD news is that in defending their "patch" from the pair of Long-Tailed Tits (maybe the winter LTT flock has dispersed after all now), both Brittany and her mate appeared and BOTH went very briefly into the box.
BIG sigh of relief - we're still on for mid March then maybe?
NB. By the way - happy "leap day" to any readers of BG.
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